Fiona Harrison
Millthorpe, Australia
Fiona Harrison is an Indigenous Australian Chocolatier who works with the Corporate Gift Buyer to help them find that uniquely Australian gift they are searching for. Fiona knows the value of what differentiates her from other chocolate makers. Fiona has worked with Australia’s premier companies across corporate Australia: the Travel industry (Qantas & Trafalgar Travel); Legal profession (Landers & Rogers and Clayton Utz); Accounting profession (KPMG); Event management (Capital E Marketing and Universal Studios/NBC); Education sector (Australian College of Nursing and University of Technology Sydney); Charity sector (OzHarvest Limited) and the Health sector (Healthscope Private Hospitals) to assist them find that perfect gift for their staff, clients and conference presenters. Fiona was chosen by Qantas to have her Chocolate available in Member Lounges during NAIDOC. Fiona has twice been awarded 1st place in the Mr Chilli Chocolate Competition and her Dark Chocolate flavours have been Vegan certified by Vegan Australia. Fiona holds certification as a Chocolatier from the Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School.
Overview of products/services
Chocolate On Purpose combines couverture chocolate with Australian native botanicals to create unique Bush Food Chocolate range. Through the deliciousness of these flavours the traditional use of the botanicals by First Nations People is shared, deepening respect for wisdom and culture. Their business motto is, “Yindyamangidyal Marramarra – With Respect and Honour we Create”.