Dennis Jose
Everton Park, Australia
Dennis Jose is a descendant of the Yidinyji Nation in Far North Queensland. Dennis has 25 years’ experience in the industry and is a Registered Project Manager (Certified Practicing Project Manager) awarded by the Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM). Dennis holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and Master of Environmental Engineering. Dennis’ career commenced in local government before moving into the private sector with global engineering consultancy firms. Majority of this work was delivering housing and infrastructure projects into remote Indigenous communities such as water and sewerage upgrades, roadworks and housing construction and refurbishments. Dennis considers himself fortunate to be able to move away from home to achieve an engineering degree and then return to manage projects that improve the living conditions of his people. Dennis is now Managing Director of a 100% Indigenous owned engineering consultancy which he started 5 years ago and is now on the cusp of significant growth. The consultancy provides client-side project management and engineering design services. Dennis’ entrepreneurial spirit has resulted in continuing to look for other business opportunities. Dennis started Jabin Sand as a niche in the market and it will continue to be used to focus on the growth of Indigenous professionals through internships and graduate recruitment into the Jabin Group of companies.
Overview of products/services
Jabin Sand is a start-up business that has secured rights to sand and the ability to supply the construction industry with up to 1million tonnes of construction sand per year. The business is focused on the export market in countries where shortages of sand exist due to environmental pressures.